Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Rambling: No focus

I've been a bit busy outside of the game so I haven't really had much thought of what to write.  I've got about 6 drafts in my folders that I want to write on but I don't have the time to make them what I want, so just to keep things moving I'm going to write semi-stream of consciousness.  So apologies on the random, rambly nature of this.

I hate Proving Grounds: Silver.  I have two warlocks that are 100 (which is an oddity for me) that can't get into heroics because I can't get past silver proving grounds.  I haven't given it a lot of effort yet, but I've tried a few times and changed spec and I can just tell that I'm going to have a hell of a time doing this.  I probably need to out gear it by a lot before I can do it.  And even that might not be enough.

But doesn't that mean the proving grounds is doing its job?  Keeping out low DPS like me?  Not pulling down the group?  Maybe?  Beside the fact that I'm pretty sure I've seen a number of warlocks having trouble with proving grounds, I don't think I'd be hurting things that much to be in dungeons. But if I am, then it's kind of unfair to put more stories and quests that I'll never be able to do behind heroic dungeons.  At least, it feels that way.

That's a whole other topic I mean to get into one day - fairness and difficulty.  Part of what got me thinking about that topic was this:

"Legend rank is home to less than the top .5% of Hearthstone players. Out of the millions of players playing Hearthstone, these Legends make up an incredibly small part of the Hearthstone player base."

In a PvP setting this makes some sense - you can't all be the top as there isn't an AI you are playing against.  But the honest truth is, of the millions of people playing, the VAST majority will NEVER see the top content.

There is a carrot on a stick that they tempt you with knowing that millions of people will never get it.  It's one thing to have a very, very hard to get carrot that anyone can get with enough time.  But that just isn't possible here.  And that bothers me.  It bothers me that they are touting it as if it is something that you can get when the reality is, nope, probably not.  It bothers me the amount of development time that they put into something that less than 1/2 of 1 percent of people will EVER see.  I just don't get or really like that.

It is part of why I like LFR in principle (in execution is another discussion).  Prior to LFR I never got to see the story of the expansion to the end.  And I hated that.  One thing that WoD did kind of right (although with a lot of missteps) is that some of the story is clearly told outside of raids and dungeons.  They still have big key parts in raids and dungeons but with LFD and LFR I can see those now.

Pherian (godmother? what do you use?) over at Alt-ernative Chat is always an interesting read.  I don't always agree with her, sometimes quite a bit, but I pretty much always find it is worth my time to read her (when I can get access at work).  The other day she had a great idea that I really liked.

What would I like to see Professions mean to me in Legion?

It is time to cut the crap and head straight for the Cosmetic, it seems to me. Gear is all well and good, and a mount that's BoP and I can only make once? Stick that on a vendor and make me earn a special Crafting Currency to purchase it. What I need to be able to make should have value to me and others, but mostly allow me a unique earning stream. So, it is time for Cosmetics, Blizzard.
This is a great idea! I don't fully agree with the appeal of the grinding for a rare drop but I appreciate the idea and where it is coming from.  Overall though, this could be a really interesting way to revitalize professions.  I'm not sure how practical it is but perhaps a slow start is good.  That has drawbacks too of course, but if Blizzard can better manage expectations by saying "we're introducing a new idea and rolling it out slowly as we develop it" and THEN give updates as it goes, I think it could be a good idea.

I think I'll put this up now.  I could have this open all day and just keep adding and such as I go along but it is already too much.

Back to my semi-focused topic posts next week.  I'll be AFK this weekend so my next update might be post flying.  And I've got a post I really want to do but I want a screencap to go with it.  Probably something everyone else knows but it kind of blew my mind.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Current Statistics | Gold | August 2015

I love gooooold!

The various Redacted servers below are more private guilds that are basically for my spouse and I.  Not that I think anyone will want to come and find me (or could with this information alone) but it's just my half-assed way of keeping some privacy.  Exodar and Moon Guard have guilds that were originally with friends. They've since left the game but we keep the guild going for us. So it is essentially a private guild at this point but they were known to others beyond us.

Anyway, here is it, the numbers you've longed to know.  How much gold do my characters have?

Avg Gold/Character
Total Levels
Avg Gold/Level
Guild Gold
Redacted 1
Redacted 2
Moon Guard
Redacted 3
Redacted 4
Redacted 5

Redacted 4, with only 4 of my characters, has the second highest average gold/level because their economy is just bizarre. I sell things on that server for prices I can't believe at times.  Quick note on this server: That is a Latin American server that we were relocated to after some other server was closed.  Paid server transfer is not worth it and my spouse does not want to lose those characters. Which is fine by me but as we do not speak Spanish, teaming with others is even more rare there.

Guild Gold does not factor into any of the other calculations, but I put it up there for reasons. Actually, Redacted 5 is another one where I have had really good success generating gold considering the number of characters and their levels. Although that one is partially due to economy and partially due to other inactive accounts or higher level characters on other accounts that have generated gold.

So as you can see, I really don't make a lot of gold overall.  In total, I have a fair amount, but the highest server has under 150,000 gold for my characters, under 200,000 if I raided the bank. Looking at the average gold/level, that is really pretty low compared to people with only a handful of characters.

And thus ends our wild ride.  But fret not my little ones. I will update the level and gold statistics from time to time so that you can rest easy knowing this information is available.

You're welcome.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Flying is coming but...

Last night while reading Grumpy's post about being let down I saw a comment that the flying patch was announced for September 1st.  There wasn't further detail in the comment so I wasn't sure if it was true.  So a quick bop over to Blizzard Watch and yup, patch 6.2.2 is planned for September 1st and will have flying in it.

And then I did something else.

It's not that I'm not happy flying is finally coming.  Or is it?  It will have been nearly 10 months since Warlords of Draenor came out and we've been grounded in current content since then.  How long has it been since "weeks, not months"?

Maybe this is just too early and others are writing up their thoughts in slower, more considered manner, but I haven't seen one celebratory post yet.  Hell, mine isn't celebratory.  Again, I'm happy it is finally here, but it just feels so anti-climatic.  Not "quite too little, too late" but, just lacking in any reason to be excited.

Perhaps all of the energy has been sucked up by talking about Legion.  Or the people that have the Pathfinder achievement are tired of waiting and those still working on it feel discouraged. Or that Blizzard is rolling it out but it's no more important to them than the racial bonus changes.

I feel like I won something that I wanted but in all the effort to get it, all the redtape or pointless barriers in my way, the joy of finally getting it has been tainted and some of the appeal has been tarnished.

Maybe all of the terrible PR bumbling and the toxic divisions it created have made things less enjoyable.

Or maybe I didn't get enough sleep.  :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Current Statistics | Professions | August 2015

I know you might need a breather after the first three, but this train of excitement rolls on!

With professions I don't really need to calculate % of total because each character can have 2 professions each. 50 x 2 = 100 so each number you see is the percentage of profession distribution

Because of the size of the table and the size of the profession names I broke the tables into gathering versus production professions, broke the production professions into two arbitrary tables.

Gathering professions:


This breakout makes sense considering Mining supports 3 professions (Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting), Herbalism supports 2 professions (Alchemy, Inscription) and Skinning supports 1 (Leatherworking).  Five (5) characters are pure collectors, having only gathering professions.  Three (3) of those are Death Knights.

Production professions:



The high amount of leatherworkers make sense with all of the druids, rogues, hunters, and shaman that I have.

Engineering matches up with my Gnome and Goblin totals almost exactly. My G & G are only Engineers with one lone Orc trying his hand at it. Well, what remains of his hand.

As you might guess, production professions are typically matched with their corresponding gathering profession. However, 10 characters are pure production based, with no gathering profession assigned. As you might expect, 6 of these are the Enchanting/Tailoring combo, which so often goes together. The remaining 4 are oddities: Tailoring/Jewelcrafting (warlock); Enchanting/Leatherworking (shaman); Inscription/Tailoring (priest); and the weirdest: Blacksmithing/Inscription (paladin).  I think all but the leatherworker had different, more thematically sensible combinations originally.

Up next and at long last, the final statistics you didn't know you didn't couldn't care about less: gold!