Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Hell Hath Frozen Over...Again

Back in August over on Hunters Rhok, Phyllixia had a post about a bizarre and unexpected thing.  A wait for DPS in the Looking For Dungeon tool.  Not just a wait, but the bonus satchel for those that joined.

As I said at the time, I was astounded.  I didn't even know that they had code for that.

Well, last night I was bopping about on a hunter and thought I would do a dungeon and perhaps a short raid while I wrapped up some quests.  I open on the LFG tool and...

LFR for the Walled City with the Savage Satchel of Cooperation for the DPS roll.

What?!?  That can't be right.  Well, I sign up and as I'm happily flying around Draenor (just driving that point home) I keep that window open, to see if the bonus drops.  I've signed up as a healer before with the satchel there and by the time the queue actually popped, the bag is gone.  So I was sure it was going to happen on a DPS one.

It took a while, but finally I get in.  My DPS is comparatively low, even for me, so and I'm terrified I'm going to be booted and miss out on the satchel.  But, I think it was just that I was in a group that was beyond over-geared for this raid and I was just getting back into the rhythm of that character.  I never did great, but I improved throughout the raid as I got her playstyle back.

Whatever the case, we finished the run and I got my bag for being DPS.  500 some gold and 3 BoA Savage plate whatevers.  I'm just happy and astounded it happened.

Apologies to those that commented on my last post, I just responded and apologies I haven't written much.  I'll be back here and there.  In the meantime, keep an eye out for the impossible!

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