Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My own personal gold challenge

So, background. A while back, the spouse and I decided we wanted some Recruit-A-Friend (RAF) mounts and the short-term leveling bonuses that came with it. It was during one of those sales where the base game costs $5 and the current expansion is like $15 or something. We looked at the cost of the game plus 60 days (since you need to do that to qualify for the RAF mount) and what we’d get out of it and decided it was worth it to us. So we created second accounts, got our mounts, and leveled up some alts quickly. It was fun and, for us, worth it. We let the time lapse and the accounts went inactive.

This past Christmas break, I received a 60-day time card. Now, I could add it to my main account but it was an opportunity to try something for this blog and my own curiosity. Are WoW tokens an option for me? Could I realistically support my WoW playing via the token?

The RAF account I was thinking about already had two 90s on it and I was going to get a boosted 90 since WoD was on sale. I decided to try to level to 100 quickly and I opted to purchase the garrison upgrades, since I figured once that was rolling it would pay for itself. It has on other characters, but that has been over the course of a few months of mostly neglectful tending. I don’t check all of my characters every day. It would take too long. But the ones that I do check more often are doing well and a few could purchase a token.

For the RAF account, these characters basically started off level 90 with no gold, or at least under 100 gold, and I’d like to get them up to self-sufficiency. I’d like to see if I can generate enough gold before the time card expires and how I have to play to do that.

What is your gold goal?
40,000 gold, on one character, by February 25th.

To be able to purchase a WoW token and still have gold to upgrade garrisons or anything else that is needed. Basically, if this were a realistic thing, I wouldn’t want to spend all of my money on WoW tokens but not have enough left over to do anything. The goal is above the recent token prices by a little more than 10% for this reason. Plus, by being a fair bit above the average, when the price fluctuates I’d still be able to buy a token that month.

Any limitations?
Nothing yet per se. Not making this a huge personal challenge like the ironman or anything like that. Just curiosity really. I was using BoA gear and leveling potions to try to get up to 100 quickly so I could run old raids for gold and doing other dailies.

What things have you done so far?
Questing mostly. Bonus missions and quests have been pretty good for generating gold. I’m planning to get the level three Inn for missions and more followers but beyond that, I’m not going to go out of my way to do a lot of crafting and other collection based gold-making on these characters. (The because to that why is in the next question.)

The biggest daily influx of gold has been from doing the LFRs that have the bonus satchel. That’s close to a minimum 700 gold per run. It isn’t something I can do everyday, but this past weekend I was able to run 3-4 LFRs with the baggie in one day. As a DPS. Which I think says something, but that’s for another post.

What about crafting and playing the auction house?
I’ve never been great about playing the auction house but I’ve had some success. Still, that is not a game for me. I could research it and perhaps get better but that is not something I want to invest my time in. I could stand to be better but I don’t log on to play World of Auction House.

That might come across as looking down on those that enjoy the auction house, but that’s not my aim. It is just isn’t what interests me. So while I’ll do those things, and perhaps get better and learn to support myself more, that isn’t the way I play nor would I want to.

Why not just do it on the account you already have? See if you can generate the 40,000 gold on already established characters?
Well, that’s kind of the point. I am curious if my playstyle would allow me to both explore the game as I like to and generate enough gold to pay for it. If I started off with money in the bank and established garrisons and full-speed flight etc, it doesn’t address what it would be for me to both experience the game the way I like it and make enough gold.

60 days is not a month.
That’s true and an even greater point for my playstyle. If I can’t even make 40,000 gold in 60 days, there’s no way I can do it in 30. This extra time gives me the greatest chance of success and I’m still not very optimistic.

I’m tracking my 3 WoD characters on the account. One is 91 (resto shaman), sitting in the level 1 garrison not doing much, with about 1,000 gold. She’s a healer, so that might be a good way to go because healers and tanks get the bonus satchels much more often. But right now, she’s just gathering resources and leveling followers while I work on the other characters. I plan to get her garrison to level 2 soon so that I can start doing the mine at least – although again, another character to log onto and do chores with.

Another character is 99, just short of 100 (arms warrior) and has around 4,600 gold and is in the level 2 garrison. She’ll be getting to 100 soon and I hope for her to be my main focus for this. Because I like her the best as a characters, not because she's good at generating gold. She’s not having the very good gold luck.

That would be my, begrudgingly, 100 destruction warlock (because demonology). She’s just short of 10,500 gold and has had a fair amount of luck on drops and gold and LFRs.

My initial thoughts are that while I could support a subscription with WoW tokens, I don’t find it very fun so far. I have a chore I have to do every day (make over 1,300 gold) and every day that I don’t do that, it gets a little higher the next day. I need to log on and check follower missions, run raids I don’t really care about, do other events that are good for gold flow but aren’t really fun for me. And most importantly, for an alt-loving person like me – I can’t play my other, lower alts very much. That’s to say nothing of how draining it is becoming to log on to each and every garrison and do the chores.

This is not a new problem I’ve discovered. Many others have talked about it for a while, and I think even I mentioned it at some point. But in trying to focus on these other characters to make the gold necessary, it really brought it home how much it isn’t working for me yet.

I have said “so far” and “yet” because I am trying to be open to the possibility. I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite characters I’ve ever made was on a RaF account and it is the warrior mentioned above. She is such a fun little gnome warrior. Love her. I’m not very good with her yet but I enjoy playing her and she just looks awesome. But I can’t justify paying for this second account and I won’t. But if I could pay for it with WoW tokens? Would it then be worth it?

To be honest, that’s a whole other problem I have with WoW tokens. For me, specifically. The money I spent on the token could be used to purchase some mounts I don’t have. Or toys. Or pets. Or support other characters as they get garrisons. 40,000 gold would upgrade a garrison to level 3 with most (all?) buildings to level 3 and I’d be able to do that each month.

The 60 day time card will expire on February 25th, so I have over 35 days left to make the money I need.

We’ll see what comes of it by then.


  1. In the EU the token price is around the 60k gold mark. So far with five level 3 garrisons and shipyards I can comfortably make that in 2 - 3 weeks. I'm paid up to June 2016, and I haven't paid for a month's sub since September last year.

    I put no effort in other than to do the dailies via Masterplan (the undisputed MVP for this expansion, without which I wouldn't still be playing). I sell some spare mats on the AH but that's pocket change tbh.

    I've stopped buying tokens and started hoarding gold, I'm already over 100k. Once I hit 250k in a few weeks I'll start buying tokens again, but I want to go into Legion with a decent supply of gold having struggled so much at the start of WoD (the cost of setting up the Garrisons took me by surprise).

    I confess I've gotten absolutely bone-idle lazy when it comes to gold making, and if I (gasp) have to actually go out an *earn* in Legion it's going to be a shock.

    Just from the garrison missions you should expect 500g per day per character with the level 3 inns, treasure hunter followers, etc. You can earn good money from the PvP tokens that drop, but most of the other stuff just gives modest income on my server. The shipyard missions occasionally throw up 1500g or even 4000g missions, but they're too hit-or-miss to rely on.

    The biggest issue you'll have is getting the garrison up and running with enough treasure hunter missions to give a steady income. Once the gold starts flowing it doesn't stop. Well, until Blizz decide it's nerf time again I guess.......

    1. I'm always amazed at the gold differences between the various regions. The Asian servers are even higher, as I understand it.

      I still haven't downloaded masterplan and I should give it a try. I'm sure it would make those things easier and quicker. I just don't like to get dependent on add-ons. Personal quirk.

      But even without it, I've had pretty good gold success on most characters. The problem is I have 12 characters with garrisons spread across 5 servers on my main account and 3 more garrisons on this temporary one I'm referencing. It can take quite a while to do all of the chores on all of my characters.

      Combine that with some relatively limited play time recently and a desire to do more than earn gold or just play my high level characters, and that's my challenge of making gold. I think I could make what is needed each month if I focused on a small number of characters, but that change to my play style is not what I really want to do.

      Setting up the garrison was a big hit to the gold pile. Although, having done this now I have to give Blizzard some credit - leveling from 90 to 100 will pretty easily net you over 5,000 gold, so the set-up of the garrison isn't too bad per se. It wasn't something I had to grind for weeks or days to get enough gold for, and that was starting from zero gold at 90. If I had kept all of the gold from 1-90 it would have been a non-issue.

  2. There seems to be a threshold. Once you get at least three followers with Scavenger and ten with Treasure Hunter (rough guess), along with your list of Inn3, Trading Post, Barracks3 and Bunker (until followers are "geared") -- it becomes a factory. No need for chores as your Garrison Resources get maxed and converted into ore, herbs, skins, etc.
    Keep at it! Get those early free followers (Fao Shen in Stormshield?) and then max followers, then trade them out for Treasure Hunters. A quick (real quick) log in twice a day to reset missions and shipyards and you have your gold, resources and no need to do any chores that are not of your fun desire.

    1. Thanks for the thoughts and I agree it's getting over that threshold that will help.

      The "problem" with this for me (and I use that term lightly) is that I like things to be somewhat themed for a character. That's my point above about my playstyle. While it isn't pure RP, I do like to try to stay to the theme of a character, even if it puts me at a disadvantage.

      With the gnome warrior mentioned above, the bunker might fit but she's also an engineer, so I kind of what the engineering plot. It's the practical versus the fun. That's what I tend to struggle (again, using the word loosely) with in games. What I find fun isn't always optimal.
