Thursday, July 9, 2015

Quick Design Ideas: Hearthstones

Here are three revamp ideas I’d like to see. 

  1. Make the hearthstone a spell.  It just goes in our standard tab as a spell that we learn, as opposed to an item we lug about.
  2. Combine the regular hearthstone with the garrison hearthstone. When you click on the new combined one, as it finishes it gives you an option of place to go. You click on the one you want, and away you go. That option is on cooldown for 15 minutes but you can still use the hearthstone, you are just restricted to the other option.
  3. And since we are combining the hearthstones and making it a spell, let’s allow at least one other option. It would be neat to have it “learn” every inn location possible. So once you visit a place, you can hearth there again. Kind of like flightpaths; once you’ve been there, you can go back.  Perhaps one cooldown per continent (Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor/Outland/Northrend/Pandaria)?

I know that the chance of any of these happening is pretty much nil, but it’d be a nice quality of life improvement.

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